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Wei Gao

I received my bachelor's degree in automation from Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China, in 2017. I am studying in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for my Ph.D. degree at University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA. My research interests are microgrid control, renewable energy, power system stability and machine learning application in power system.

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Recent Projects

  • 11/2019-01/2021 Research and training in power market (see details in work summary document)
  • Develop a tool for visualizing some important market information in PowerWorld software using Python and develop add-ons for calculating value at risk/expected tail loss (var/etl) based on current daily report tool using Python.

  • 02/2019-06/2019 Graduate Research at SolarTAC
  • Develop a BMS (Battery Management System) for LG-Chem Battery in LabView to implement the data visualization of battery status and the corresponding charging control of the battery.

  • 05/2018-12/2019 Student intern under CRADA at National Wind Technology Center and National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Cooperate with others for establishing transmission and distribution network models using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) for hardware-in-the-loop testing of Wind-Turbine Control.

  • 06/2018-present Graduate Research Assistant, Ph.D. candidate at Renewable Energy and Power Electronics Laboratory, University of Denver
  • Graduate Research Assistant with research focus on the distributed micro-grid for its power flow, optimal control, stability and economics.

  • 09/2018-03/2019; 09/2019-present Graduate Service Assistant
  • Grader for Advanced Engineering Mathematics and Introduction to Power and Energy System, Intro to Mechatronic Systems, Controls, Instrumentation & Data Acquisition, University of Denver.

  • 02/2019-06/2019 Graduate Research at SolarTAC
  • Develop a BMS (Battery Management System) for LG-Chem Battery in LabView to implement the data visualization of battery status and the corresponding charging control of the battery.


    I'm interested in microgrid control, renewable energy, power system stability and machine learning application in power system.

    Conference Papers:

    1. PV Array Fault Detection Based on Deep Neural Network
      Wei Gao
      2021 IEEE Green Technologies (GreenTech) Conference, submitted 2021 | paper

    2. Synthetic High Impedance Fault Data through Deep Convolutional Generated Adversarial Network
      Kun Yang, Wei Gao, Rui Fan, Tianzhixi Yin, Jianming Lian
      2021 IEEE Green Technologies (GreenTech) Conference, submitted 2021 | paper

    3. Microgrid Control Strategy Based on Battery Energy Storage System-Virtual Synchronous Generator (BESS-VSG)
      Wei Gao
      2020 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference (KPEC) 2020 | paper

    4. Understanding the Role of Short-Term Energy Storage and Large Motor Loads for Active Power Controls by Wind Power
      Gevorgian, Vahan, Koralewicz, Przemyslaw J, Villegas Pico, Hugo Nestor, Shah, Shahil D, Wallen, Robert B, Corbus, David A, Keller, Jonathan A, Hovsapian, R., Mohanpurkar, M., Kadavi, R., Pnawar, M., Leonard, J., Richwine, M., Miller, N., Gao, D., Yan, W., and Gao, W
      WGRID-49 GMLC Project Report 2019 | paper

    5. Implementing Inertial Control for PMSG-WTG in Region 2 using Virtual Synchronous Generator with Multiple Virtual Rotating Masses
      W. Yan, W. Gao, W. Gao and V. Gevorgian
      2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) 2019 | paper

    6. Small-Scale Microgrid Energy Market Based on PILT-DAO
      Tianlu Gao, Wei Gao, Jun Zhang and Wenzhong Gao Chang Xu
      51th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2019) 2019 | paper

    7. Stability-oriented Optimization and Consensus Control for Inverter-based Microgrid
      W. Yan, W. Gao, D. W. Gao, J. Momoh
      2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2018 | paper

    8. Distributed cooperative control of virtual synchronous generator based microgrid
      Weihang Yan, Wei Gao, Tianqi Gao, David Wenzhong Gao, Shijie Yan, Jianhui Wang
      2017 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology 2017 | paper

    9. Inverter controller design based on model predictive control in microgrid
      Yitong Shen, Wei Gao, David Wenzhong Gao, Weihang Yan
      2017 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology 2017 | paper

    10. Power Optimization Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based on Active Power Reserve
      Wei Chen, Jing Wang, Wei Gao, David Wenzhong Gao, Bo Wang, Haohuai Wang
      North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2016) 2016 | paper

    Journal Papers:

    1. Electro-mechanical Modeling of Wind Turbine and Energy Storage Systems with Enhanced Inertial Response
      Weihang Yan, Xiao Wang, Wei Gao, Vahan Gevorgian
      Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2021 | paper

    2. Distributed Collaborative Optimization Operation Approach for Integrated Energy System Based on Asynchronous and Dynamic Event-Triggering Communication Strategy
      LI Yu-Shuai, LI Tian-Yi, GAO Wei, GAO Wen-Zhong
      ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA 2020 | paper

    3. Data-Driven Optimal Control Strategy for Virtual Synchronous Generator via Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
      Li, Yushuai, Gao, Wei, Yan, Weihang, Huang, Shuo, Wang, Rui, Gevorgian, Vahan, GAO, Wenzhong
      Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2020 | paper

    4. A Distributed Double-Newton Descent Algorithmfor Cooperative Energy Management of Multiple Energy Bodies in Energy Internet
      Yushuai Li, David Wenzhong Gao, Wei Gao, Huaguang Zhang
      IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2020 | paper

    5. Deterioration Behavior Analysis and LSTM-Based Failure Prediction of GIB Electrical Contact Inside Various Insulation Gases
      Xiangyu Guan, Yuequan Wen, Zhe Dong, Naiqiu Shu, Hui Peng, Wei Gao, David Wenzhong Gao
      IEEE Access 2020 | paper

    6. Double-Mode Energy Management for Multi-Energy System via Distributed Dynamic Event-Triggered Newton-Raphson Algorithm
      Y. Li, D. W. Gao, W. Gao, H. Zhang and J. Zhou
      IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2020 | paper

    7. Fully Distributed State Estimation for Power System with Information Propagation Algorithm
      Q. Li, L. Cheng, W. Gao and D. W. Gao
      Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2020 | paper

    8. Enabling and Evaluation of Inertial Control for PMSG-WTG Using Synchronverter With Multiple Virtual Rotating Masses in Microgrid
      W. Yan, L. Cheng, S. Yan, W. Gao, D. W. Gao
      IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 2020 | paper

    9. Implementations and Evaluations of Wind Turbine Inertial Controls with FAST and Digital Real-Time Simulations
      Xiao Wang, Wenzhong Gao, Jianhui Wang, Weihang Yan, Wei Gao, Eduard Muljadi, Vahan Gevorgian
      IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion 2018 | paper


  • 05/2019-present, PhD scholarship in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at University of Denver.

  • 05/2018-12/2019, Student intern under CRADA at National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

  • 10/2019, Nomination for Best Paper, 51th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2019).

  • 07/2018; 07/2019, Assist the NSF project for Research Experience for Undergraduates in Summer.

  • 05/2015, Third prize of "Smart wall thermometer for home use" in the competition of Hetai Cup.

  • 09/2014, Second prize in electromechanical integration innovation design projects in "the fourth session of the Hebei University of Technology innovation and practical ability contest".

  • CV

    Wei Gao's CV

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